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A visit from comet NEOWISE

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For a few weeks last summer, comet NEOWISE was visible to the naked eye in the sky. Such a visit is rare: the last comet this bright in the northern sky was Hale-Bopp in 1997. Many people got the chance to see their first comet, and thousands of pictures were posted on social media.

What about you? Did you get the chance to see it? In the sky, or only in pictures? Why was this comet visible last summer? And what is a comet, anyway? Here's some information to help you introduce your students to these wonderful visitors from the far reaches of our Solar system!

© François Quesnel - Comet NEOWISE as it appeared to the eye and through binoculars (or a small telescope).


Comets are small objects in the Solar system which can be identified by their composition and their orbit. They are mostly made of different types of ice which then turn to gas and dust particles when they get closer to the Sun. These transformations form the tail of the comet, which can sometimes be seen in the sky. Contrary to what we sometimes see in cartoons, the comet's tail isn’t made of fire; we simply see it because it reflects the light from the Sun.

Comets usually have a very elongated orbit and spend most of their time far away in the Solar system. It’s only when they get closer to the Sun that their tail forms. Many comets visit the Sun’s neighbourhood every year, but most of them can only be observed with an instrument such as a telescope.


The full name of the comet is NEOWISE C/2020 F3. This complicated notation indicates who discovered it, the type of comet, and when it was discovered – in this case, March 2020. The nucleus of the comet was only about 5 km across but its tail stretched over hundreds of thousands of kilometers, possibly even millions!

Solar system with orbit of comet NEOWISE
This picture from the interactive site TheSkyLive shows the orbit of comet NEOWISE and its position in the Solar system.

Use the site to simulate the orbit of the comet in 3D and its position over time and discuss with your students:

  • How is the orbit of the comet different from the orbits of the planets? Think about its shape and its orientation in space.

  • Start the animation with the desired speed (default: 1 week = 1 second) and notice how the comet’s speed changes as it gets closer to the Sun and as it moves further away.

  • You can go back to the moment when the comet made its closest approach to the Sun (July 3, 2020) and to the Earth (July 23, 2020 – as shown in the picture above). During those weeks, and shortly after, the comet was visible to the naked eye in the sky.

The comet is now moving away from the Earth and the Sun on its return trip to the far reaches the Solar system. It will come back to visit us in many thousands of years!


Did many of your students manage to see it? Would the answer be different if your school was located in a city / rural area? Unfortunately, light pollution in the city caused by all the light sources obscured the comet from most peoples' view.

Under a dark sky, the comet appeared like a small white trail below the Big Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major. Through binoculars, the comet's tail could be seen much more clearly.

© Jennifer West - This picture gives a nice representation of what the comet looked like to the naked eye. For scale, notice the Big Dipper, at the top-centre of the picture.

Many pictures of comet NEOWISE were taken. Some were magnified and the majority had long exposure times, which allowed fainter details to be highlighted. No, it wasn't as obvious to the naked eye, but it was a nice show nonetheless! Here are some of our favourite pictures taken from across Canada.

Comet with people in the foreground
© Zenderfull

© Thomas Collin - With long exposure times, it was possible to see the two tails: the white dust tail and the bluish ionized gas tail.

© Alan Dyer - - Comet NEOWISE and northern lights over the Badlands in Alberta.


Here are a few resources to help you familiarize your students with comets :

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

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